Static Feats Timeline Project



Worlds Collide July 1994 | His electromagnetism contended with Superboy's telekinesis.Young Justice Vol 1 #2 October 1998 | At least Class K, possibly Class M Lifting Strength (Superboy's telekinesis limit at the moment can lift a palace)
Teen Titans Annual #1 2009 | Uses the electricity in the Titan's Tower to blast the whole building and electrocute Cyborg who was in the other side of the country
Post-FlashpointStatic Shock Vol 1 #1-2 November 2011 | Static's body automatically draws in outside power sources to reattach body parts lopped off. - 1a, 1b, 1c.
Static Shock Vol 1 #6 February 2012 | Lifts a large ship with his electromagnetism.


To be sorted

Raw Power


Nova Ball:




Blasted by a flurry of microchips by Sinestro disguised as Green Lantern
Blasted into a Jumbotron
Blasted out of a window by Derek
Crashes into a pile of junked cars without a shield
Crushed by some boxes before he can put up a shield
Crushed by [what I think are rotors before blasting his way out]
Hit by a dinosaur’s spiked tail
Knocked off of his saucer by Carmen Dillo
Knocked off of his saucer by Carmen Dillo… again
Knocked off of his saucer by Danny’s robot
Knocked off of his trash can lid by Hotstreak’s fireball
Slammed into a wall by Specs’ and Trapper’s robot
Sent careening backwards through the air by his own clumsiness, falling off of his trash lid
Takes a blast from newly-empowered Richie
Takes a sonic blast from -- you guessed it -- Boom
Thanks to Richie, an entire water ride collapses on him
Aerial Mobility/Reflexes:Blocks Hotstreak’s fireballs then evades them
Catches newly-empowered Richie as he falls
Dodges a point-black energy blast from one of Alva’s henchmen
Dodges another point-blank energy blast from Danny’s robot
Dodges some fireballs launched by Hotstreak in rapid succession
Evades a pursuant Hawkgirl and frees ger from Brainiac’s mind control
Evades Hotstreak’s fireballs and grabs a trash lid to use as a shield
Evades Permafrost’s ice pillars
Handles some projectiles, even punching clean through stone
Outmaneuvers Specs’ and Trapper’s robot
Shields himself from Green Lantern’s blast


The Static Saucer’s first appearance, courtesy of Richie
The ZapCaps’ first appearance, also courtesy of RichieThey are electric bombs
They release enough electricity that a flurry of them detonating convinces Hotstreak it is a display of Static’s power
They can also be used as batteries to replenish Static’s reserves
Uses them to put down Aquamaria


Static is vulnerable to shorting out in the presence of water. This seems to be exclusive to the DCAU version.
Slipstream causes him to be hit by a jet of water, and his shorting out has far-reaching consequences
He can also apparently be inconvenienced by electricity if caught off guard.
Specs and Trapper blast him into a scoreboard

206: Static’s powers are thrown out of whack by sunspots.
309: Was aired out of order, so Static’s costume was from the first and second seasons. Static is very out of character in this episode because Daisy was hurt.
311: Also aired out of order.
413: Static is re-empowered and experiences a slight power boost as a result.
Technically, Static’s speed is moreso a consequence of his electromagnetic powers than it is his raw physical ability. The Physicals section in general is pretty dicey, but I’m assuming Static enhances his physical abilities by passively absorbing ambient electromagnetic energy.


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