Superman Feats Timeline Project
Public Copy (Work in Progress)
The main goal of this thread is to catalog any major feats to help newcomers see which feats are consistent and which are PIS/Outliers
Once scaling chains involve Universal+ characters, scaling down from infinity just leads to more infinity, becoming unreliable at times.
Feel free to comment on any feats and sources, and I'll add it to the timeline.
Feat Format:
Source Link
Tier | Direct/Scaled | Description| Calculation Link | Difficulty
Adventures of Superman (volume 2) was an ongoing comic book featuring Superman stories by many different creative teams. All the stories are intended to be "continuity free" and do not fit into the canon of any of the mainstream DC universes (Prime Earth, New Earth, Earth-One or Earth-Two).
Adventures of Superman Vol 2 #3 September 2013
You literally can't fly from the Fourth World to Earth without a Boom Tube.
"Superman's strength levels have fluctuated throughout his career, but he has never had the unlimited power of the Spectre or other magical beings. There are always weights he can't lift, enemies he can't outrun, or puzzles he can't solve." |Superman: The Ultimate Guide to the Man of Steel, 2013
Cross-Examination Threads
Companion Blogs
Golden Age Superman Family
Action Comics Vol 1 #1 | June 1938
Action Comics Vol 1 #63 August 1943
Superman Vol 1 #62
Slingshots Mars' moons
Superman Vol 1 #66
Shoves an Earth-sized planet travelling towards Earth at another planet hard enough both are obliterated
Superman Vol 1 #70
Throws a skyscraper around the world
Superman Vol 1 #72
Makes an eclipse by pushing a planet into the sun
Superman Vol 1 #90
Turns a huge asteroid/planetoid of carbon into diamond with one hit
Action Comics Vol 1 #161
Endures the heat and pressure of the sun, and breaks free of its gravitational pull
Action Comics Vol 1 #194
Destroys an Earth-sized planet by throwing an asteroid at it
4-C | Kal-L combines 2 moons and asteroids to create a sun and moves Uuz into orbit.
Superman Vol 1 #61 November 1949
Immeasurable Speed | Flew through time into the past.
Action Comics Vol 1 #196 September 1954
Silver Age Superman Family
More Fun Comics Vol 1 #101 January 1945
4-C | Superman moves the sun.
Action Comics Vol 1 #273 February 1961 | MFTL+Flew to a long-dead universe in seconds to safely sneeze
Raced the Flash
MFTL+ |Tied in a running race from Earth to the edge of the galaxy and back against the Pre-Crisis Flash
Silver Age Superman fights a mind-controlled Golden Age Superman . The narration and dialogue describe them as on par with each other and fighting to a stand-still. |
Superboy Vol 1 #162 January 1970
Kal-El and Kal-L get hit by Teppy and are knocked outfor about as long. Meaning the attack damaged both about as much.
World's Finest Vol 1 #198 November 1970
Bronze Age Superman Family
Superman Vol 1 #233 January, 1971
Superman Vol 1 #242, September 1971
That same supernova somehow knocked Superman millions of years in the past
At least 2-C, possibly 2-A | Restored all possible futures via raw power alone his fight with Jaxon the Mighty.
Kal-El and Kal-L are stated to have equal strength. Merged together, they would have double the strength.
Superman considers Firestorm a beginner and will eventually prove himself.
Firestorm is outmatched by Superman
MFTL+ |He could cross the universe in seconds, and the multiverse in minutes
On a side note, this issue also showcases Base Spectre no-selling Pre-Crisis Superman.
Superman "flies to infinity"
Kal-L states Kal-El is stronger. Luthor adds that Kal-L's powers are a shadow to Kal-El's.
DC Comics Presents Vol 1 #54 February 1983
Kal-El traded blows with Dr. Sivana who had the power of SHAZAM. Sivana defeats Kal-L. Kal-L is described as old with waning power compared to Kal-El. He held his own temporarily before getting overpowered.Sivana states he's incapable of killing Kal-L without Kryptonite.
Superman harms the consciousness of Maaldor the Darklord. Maaldor the Darklord was consistently shown as being superior to Superman, so they should not directly scale to each other.
Crisis on Infinite Earths
2-A | Supergirl destroys base Anti-Monitor's body
Crisis on Infinite Earths Vol 1 #12 March 1986
2-C | Kal-L defeats a weakened Anti-Monitor
Comparable to the original Captain Marvel, who has defeated the Invincible Man.
He has thrown spaceships to another galaxy.
He has picked up and thrown neutron stars.
A sneeze from PC Superman destroyed an entire solar system.
PC Superman was so powerful that he could easily move a star with just his breath.
He could close a Boom-Tube with his bare hands.
He was able to eat molten metal.
PC Superman toyed around with an enraged Hulk like he was a child in a crossover.
He could move the entire Earth like a ping-pong ball.
He was able to fly at such speeds that he could enter hyperspace effortlessly.
PC Superman was so powerful that he could alter time itself without even trying.
He was able to travel trillions of miles in seconds without exerting any effort at all.
He easily threw a neutron star several light years away. He claimed that the star weighed Trillions of tons and that it exerted a magnetic pull greater than dozens of Supernovas, but this didn’t affect him in the slightest.
PC Superman threw moon-sized balls of ice at the Earth when all of its oceans had been dried up.
He was able to fly through the time barrier and go millions of years into the past on a whim.
While PC Clark Kent was in disguise, he was confronted by the Joker who released an enormous amount of his laughing gas. Superman was able to inhale all of the gas before it contaminated anyone without laughing.
PC Supes brushed off the explosion of a nuclear warhead which could have vaporized the entire East coast.
PC Clark could move so fast that he appeared invisible.
With the sword in his hand, Superman's cape deflected the most powerful blast that King Kosmos could muster. It was a blast that could have altered reality itself, yet it was blocked by Superman’s clothing.
Superman (after nearly killing King Kosmos out of anger) decided that this sword, which was present at the dawn of time, could not be controlled as a separate entity, so at this point, he actually started to merge with the sword. Superman remarked that it had power which he had never felt. Before Superman completely merged himself with infinity (the sword), he stopped just as he got to its hilt, and decided that he no longer needed to merge with the sword, so he threw the remainder of it into deep space. The reason for this is that, in the midst of fusing with the sword, he heard a godly voice (either Jor-El or God himself), and this voice spoke of Superman's greatness.
“Your greatness among living things is assured. So shall it EVER be”. Had Superman merged with this sword, he would have become one with all of the universe.
PC Superman displayed his super-intellect by learning a long dead, yet incredibly sophisticated language (which he had never heard before); instantly.
PC Supes caught meteorites and moved around planet-sized asteroids effortlessly.
Not even the Flash was swift enough to punch PC Superman.
The Guardians sent Superman on a special mission to preserve the Galactic Balance of Nature. Superman was not at full power during this event, as the part of the Galaxy he flew through was full of red stars. Despite this, Superman was still strong enough to make a small planet by fusing meteorites together and then proceeded to move it.
Superman intercepted a bomb that was meant to destroy the Earth and wasn’t harmed at all.
A Supernova only dazed Superman for a microsecond. He then found himself in an unknown solar system and proceeded to drill his way to the center of a planet.
PC Superman could actually create a tiny version of himself, an avatar so to speak, which was endowed with all of his powers (but he loses his powers if he does so).
Superman one time defeated the Galactic Golem. The Galactic Golem is the monstrous result of Lex Luthor’s attempt to create life by collecting galactic matter into the form of a man. Infusing his creation with a hunger for the hyper-stellar energy that made its creation possible. During this battle, Superman uses the Golem’s own energy-radiation to speed up his vibrations and shift every living thing on the Earth to another dimensional plane.
Superman balanced a replica of the Empire State building with just his pinky.
Superman’s Fortress of Solitude contained an entire solar system that he created by himself.
PC Kryptonians could travel between universes at will.
Superman and Power Girl easily defeated creatures that had conquered entire worlds.
Maaldor, a powerful cosmic being who had existed for billions of years and conquered an entire universe, referred to Superman and Power Girl as the two most powerful beings in the multiverse. He tries to kill Power Girl, then Superman fought him, narration stated that Maaldor shrugged off attacks that could reduce a planet to rubble, and replied with attacks that had been used for just that purpose. Superman was fine, and it turned out that Power Girl survived.
Superman and Power Girl tricked Maaldor into confronting his own soul which caused him to self-destruct and create an entirely new universe from the remains of his energy. Superman sealed off that universe from the rest of the multiverse with his heat vision.
A rogue Superboy robot grabbed Superman and flew him thousands of miles into space in a fraction of a second, then flung him faster than light across the solar system. He couldn't turn around until he reaches Uranus, but he still got back in only a matter of minutes.
Superman contained a nuclear bomb with his cape.
Superman contained a supernova explosion.
Easily survived a 10 megaton bomb.
Was only knocked back slightly by a gravitational force that could move a planet.
Used some extra energy to reignite a dying Sun.
Casually flew past galaxies in seconds.
Superman turned a diamond into a piece of coal by altering its molecular pattern.
Post-Crisis Superman Family
The Man of Steel Vol 1 #1 October 1986
New Earth Superman is introduced.
Superman teleported by Omega Beams
Darkseid moved so fast, Clark couldn't see him move.
Orion had to be careful and use the Astro-Force (Stated to shatter worlds) with "surgical precision" in order to Stun Superman without killing him.
Darkseid survived and resisted his own full-power Omega Beams
Superman resists weakened Omega Beams and energy blasts attuned to his molecular structure.
Hit by Etrigan's demonic flames
Not immeasurable Speed | Superman chased analternate Superboy into the future.
Superboy is stated as faster and stronger than Superman, fast enough to exceed light speed, and fast enough to break the time barrier. Superman manages to crab his ankle before Superboy reaches full speed. As they approach full speed, Superman gets dizzy from the speed. Superboy uses one last burst of speed to break the time barrier. Superman couldn't handle the strain and loses his grip on the ankle.
Attacked by an alternate Superboy, who was way stronger than him
Superman Vol 2 #9 September 1987
Superman tanks a 40 megaton bomb. It hurts so much he said he wish he would die, and his first attempt of flight failed due to how much he hurt. This was very early in his post-crisis run.
TBA | Superman moves the Earth, the Moon, and a giant spaceship out of a hyperspace bubble.
Superman noted that Earth probably has had its mass nullified by some gravitational field or something, but he is not sure if it is and says he hopes it does. Given he manages to pull the ship back and he says he couldn't lift the mass of Earth at the time, and that such technobabble was stated in the first place, I think Earth's mass was likely nullified.
At least Low 6-B to High 6-A | Mon-El pushes a White Dwarf.
[http:// Action Comics Vol 1 #644, August 1989]
It's outright stated in the issue that black racer could of made himself invisible to superman if he wanted.
When resisting Banshee's scream, it is unclear if he has immunity or it's the axe's enchantment.
The Eradicator beats Superman up on Mercury and throws him into the Sun.
Superman circumnavigates the sun. This is when sun dipping was a no go. Superman didn't always get boosted from sun dipping, in fact, it was very draining on him
At least 4-C | Direct | Survives sun eater's implosion. Force
For reference, Sun Eater's are pretty big
[http:// Adventures of Superman Vol 1 #480, July 1991]
His fight with Captain Atom was twisting space and time and causing compressed universes to explode.
Captain Atom has destroyed and recreated the universe and can freely control it, and was going to destroy several universes, and oneshotted Jenny Quantum, who created a universe, tear apart a reality, contain a universe with her powers, and annihilated the Doctor, who can create a universe, and yet is weaker than Superman.
Early Monarch has microsecond reactions
Starman defeats Maaldor the possessor, who once possessed a universe.
At least Mid-Low, possibly High-Low | Paragon, using Superman's powers, heals from "internal injuries" caused by three Daxamites beating him to near death in four panels.
Superman broke out of Eclipso's beam of black light, not a solid barrier of darkness.
Takes a blast from a guy who feeds off the energies of destroyed planets
5-A | Survives being bombarded with the destructive force of anova by Starbreaker
The Death and Return of Superman (December 1992 - January 1993)
The Death of SupermanStoryline December 1992 – January 1993 |Link 1 |Link 2
Tanks and defeats Guy Gardner and other Leaguers combined.
Fights till a mutual death with Superman This is the famous Superman vs Doomsday fight
Was faster than Flash at this point in time.
Unclear of what kind of internal injuries if any Supeman sustained. At least Mid-Low, possibly High-Low. | Superman's body despite being dead and mostly drained of solar radiation, his body heals up all his Doomsday wounds
Superman Vol 2 #78 June 1993
Cyborg Superman fights Doomsday.
Eradicator explains how he revived Clark who was categorically dead.
Cyborg rips off a pipe spewing Kryptonite radiation and aims it at Superman. The Eradicator shields Superman from the burst, but it ends up passing through his body, striking Superman. The room is filled with Kryptonite radiation. Superman now emerges from behind Cyborg, taking his cape back and striking the Cyborg with a powerful blow that goes through his body, revealing that the Kryptonite passing through the Eradicator's body had changed and now restored all of his own powers.
After absorbing Eradicator, he defeats Cyborg Superman and notes he is at full power.
Superman moved fast enough almost to negate the effects of the temporal modulation field's Time Slow
Lobo shattered a planet with a blast from his weapons.
Lobo states twice that Superman is stronger than last time.
Superman agrees twice that his powers are increasing.
Superman doesn't need to breathe oxygen anymore.
Superman overcame the inertia of a ship the size of a small moon.
They both survive a Force-Twelve Disintegration Beam
Superman feels stronger than ever.
Superman doesn't need oxygen anymore.
His heat vision intensity increased.
Superman's strength has increased.
Superman's cellular structure is enhanced compared to other Kryptonians.
Superman fights The Champion
The champion could not stop an asteroid that caused global cataclysms.
Doomsday re-appears.
Superman: The Man of Steel Vol 1 #31, March 1994
Superman says that he is stronger after absorbing the energy from Eradicator.
5-B | Casually destroys a meteor that would demolish the earth
Adventured of Superman Vol 1 #511, April 1994
Superman mentions his increased powers.
According to Professor Hamilton, Superman is absorbing solar radiation and other energies much faster than ever before due to being irradiated by what he call Kryptonite X. The Eradicator incident that recharged his powers foreshadowed his power increase. He says there is no physical way for Superman to expend his energy fast enough. His powers will continue increasing until his body cannot contain them.
Superman fights Parasite.
Parasite leeched out the excess energy Superman absorbed.
Comics Vol 1 #699 May, 1994 Action Comics Vol 1 #699, May 1994
According to Professor Emil, Superman is in number one shape. There's not a trace left of the exotic energies he detected in him the other day.
of Superman Vol 1 #512 May, 1994 Adventures of Superman Vol 1 #512 May, 1994
Superman: The Man of Steel Vol 1 #33
Hunter/Prey (April 1994 - June 1994)
On Apokolips, Doomsday survives Darkseid's Omega Beams and defeats him.
Radiant is created to fight Doomsday and kills him after a weeklong battle.
Cyborg Superman survives the weakened Omega Beams but is later defeated by their peak power.
Superman states that he is stronger than his previous encounter with Cyborg Superman.
Unknown | A Boomtubed Superman in the God Sphere is weaker than Doomsday, barely damages him, and relies on the Mother Box to send Doomsday away.
This Doomsday was a multi-dimensional threat.
Darkseid was never set up to be the all-powerful type of being. To me, Highfather was always set up to be the more powerful, omnipotent sort of being than was Darkseid. Darkseid had power in that he was able to control people around him. People were terrified of him. Darkseid is far less powerful than Superman-that it is Darkseid's political machinations and his dangerous mind that makes him a threat to Superman, not his power. He states Darkseid is powerful in a galactic sense.
Superman's abysmal performance against Doomsday is because of his morals limiting himself. If Superman ignores morals and cuts loose in his first fight against Doomsday, Superman would have done better. Superman and Doomsday were roughly equivalent in terms of power in Hunter/Prey. Superman and Doomsday are above Darkseid.
DC describe their portrayal of Superman at the time.
"Superman the planet juggler had his place way back when, but today's Man of Steel will always have to struggle to get what he wants-it's more interesting to us that way."
Zero Hour
Supposedly, Superman contributes to 1/5 the energy of the Big Bang in Zero Hour.
The Ray, Darkstar (Donna Troy), Captain Atom, and Kyle Rayner absorb the plasma energy universe Parallax created, absorbing most of Parallax's energy.
Superman, Captain Atom, Darkstar, and the Ray send energy into Waverider who channels it into Damage. After, Spectre channels more energy into Damage, and a new Big Bang occurs.
Nothing states that Superman is contributing equally. Captain Atom and Spectre, Universal characters when not holding back, are contributing as well.
So yeah, it might have been The Spectre who actually created the Big Bang proper in the end, and not Superman. There's just not enough evidence that he himself contributed a whole 20% of the Big Bang's energy and not commonly stronger characters like The Spectre.
While they did contribute a lot of energy to starting this Big Bang, it was actually The Spectre who actually initiated the event.
Low | A year One Superman is beaten to a pulp by a mystic Daemon with his eye even swollen shut, but awakens back to normal without Doctor Occult healing him.
Takes place 245000 years before the Death of Superman
The New Gods are treated as aliens.
Doomsday kills Master Mayhem
Doomsday gets a power ring and kills hundreds and injures a thousand other lanterns. He intuitively tapped into the power of the ring,.
At least Low 7-C, possibly 7-C | Doomsday tanks a blast from a Guardian that had the force of a dozen hurricanes.
In the blink of an eye, Doomsday recovered and fired from his own power ring.
Doomsday started adapting to the energy blasts, perhaps even feeding on it.
7-A | The Guardian self-destructed, releasing the totality of his energies. In the explosion, Doomsday lost the power ring, and the mountain was destroyed.
Doomsday adapted to Radiant's specific energy signature and rented him in two.
New Gods Vol 4 #10 August 1996 to New Gods Vol 4 #11 September 1996
Unknown | A boomtube amped Superman and Orion are shown fighting S'ivaa
This is the same S'ivaa who could destroy existence with his dance.
Highfather said it's his dance which will destroy all existence, not his physical power.
This is further cemented by what is said at the beginning of the next issue: S'ivaa must be between Apokolips and New Gensisis to do his dance in a place where it can destroy existence. He may tear space-time around usually, but this is where he must be to destroy everything.
When Superman was fighting S'ivaa, with that large tear, that this was gradual and over time the tears in reality will grow larger. This is clearly over time.
It's not shown that Superman and Orion were actually damaging S'ivaa or being directly hit by S'ivaa throughout the fight. S'ivaa is simply swatting flies, and Superman and Orion's power aren't even phasing him.
They did not defeat him through their power alone. They managed to trip him up while he was off guard and launch him into the Source, where he died.
S'ivaa's destruction feat was over time and under special circumstances, and regardless his fight with Superman and Orion can be best described as swatting flies with him not really putting his all in damaging the two. He was killed by being tripped up in his own tears in space-time and being pushed into the Source. Superman does not scale to this existence destroying.
S'ivaa ripping space-time in unquantifiable, and technically even a black hole rips through space-time. Superman easily fixes it all the same with his heat vision so it's not too impressive
JLA Vol 1 #1 January 1997
Can hear altercations of the mind
Power Shift
Superman Vol 2 #122 April 1997
Adventures of Superman Vol 1 #545 April 1997
Action Comics Vol 1 #732 April 1997
Superman Annual Vol 2 #9 July 1997
Superman Blue can withstand the scouring light of heaven
Superman: The Man of Steel Annual Vol 1 #6 August 1997
Adventures of Superman Annual Vol 1 #9 September 1997
Superman can withstand attacks from and damage the Lord of Time, who is four-dimensional.
Being fourth dimensional in this case just means that you can influence time. That doesn't make you universal.
Action Comics Annual Vol 1 #9 October 1997
Superman Red/Superman Blue
Superman: The Man of Steel Vol 1 #76 February 1998
Superman Red/Superman Blue February 1998
Superman Vol 2 #132 February 1998
Adventures of Superman Vol 1 #555 February 1998
Superman: Man of Tomorrow #10
Action Comics #742
Superman: The Man of Steel #77
Superman #133
Adventures of Superman #556
Action Comics #743, April 1998
Superman: Save the Planet, October 1998
Superman can see it from Earth using only x-ray vision and that it isn't in the atmosphere yet. So it should be fairly big.
Doomsday Wars
Superman 80-Page Giant Vol 1 #1 February 1999
Superman did not resist Utopian's sleep-inducing technology. It was set at the time for humans, not Kryptonians.
Scaled | Superman Grapples with Black Adam.
Scaled | Superman fights Captain Marvel.
4-A | Kal Kent holds back the weight of an entire Galaxy with Titano's help.
Dominus Effect
JLA: Primeval, October 1999
Scaled | Superman absorbs energy from the sun. Superman battles the Justice League, Orion, Big Barda, Superboy and Steel after flying near the sun to dispose of Earth's nuclear weapons under Dominus' influence. He takes a blast of Astro-Force from Orion. Even with the element of surprise they barely managed to subdue Superman after a difficult fight and Kyle had to synthesize Kryptonite in order to defeat Superman. Superman stated after the fight that without his close exposure to the sun that the League might have killed him.
Pending Review | Superman fought and overwhelmed the Kryptonian God Cythonna, who warred for a long time against the Kryptonian God Rao, who created the universe.
Superman fought Cythonnia in the Sun where he was sundipped and she was weakened and was still massively struggling.
After achieving the Theta State, Superman fought and overwhelmed Dominus, who created his own Phantom Zone. The Phantom Zone is described as a boundless dimensionless dimension between being and nothingness and it resides within the Sphere of the Gods, described multiple times as a Platonic, archetypal world, beyond the Bleed, which contains all dimensions, in which there are an infinite number of.
The Phantom Zone exists at the same level as New Genesis, which is beyond the bounds of space and time. The Phantom Zone also exists at the same level as Heaven, which is beyond space and time and contains Platonic shapes.
Pending Re-evaluation
TBA | Superman breaks Dominus' alternate realities and resists further attempts at reality-warping
TBA | Superman allegedly smashes Neron's endless Illusions/Realities
The Power of Shazam! Vol 1 #46 February 1999
Scaled | Evenly matched with Captain Marvel.
Later issue:
In actuality it wasn't superman's dreams predicting the future, it was Dominus taking what superman dreamt of and making it real the next day.
Mid-Low | In a simulation where Clark landed on Thanagar instead of Earth, heals from the back of his neck being slit open and a "Crab" that restrained his powers removed instantly.
Superman takes hits from Strange Visitor
This is Sharon Vance's first appearance. Superman was trying to chase her down and he took some hits from her.
She has the powers of Kismet; however, she was not in complete control of her powers. It is doubtful that even if her powers are based on emotions that she did a full-powered focused attack on Superman.
Mongul trains Superman.
Superman blitzes Mongul
Mongol teaches Superman to overcome mental barriers regarding his supervision.
Mongul helps increase his lung capacity.
Superman has been training with Mongul II for a few weeks in preparation of Imperiex.
Scaled | Superman blitzes and takes hits from an Imperiex Probe but is unable to defeat it.
Superman talks about how he holds back at times.
Superman just inhaled magical dust from Etrigan and breathed it out at the end of the issue
Superman Y2K
Superman couldn’t visibly damage Brainiac 13, but Brainiac 13 could hurt Superman. Not even Superman Blue could do any visible damage.
4-C, Pre-Stellar | Direct | As a component of Mageddon, Superman contributed to turning the endless millwheels of the Mageddon.
TBA | Superman and the Mageddon survive Aztek's self-destruction of four-dimensional energy
Pending discussion on the use and power of 4-D energy.
Sunlight Absorption | Absorbs enough anti-sunlight that would have vaporized half a galaxy Heaven thought the Mageddon threat was so high that they were planning a new universe.
Torquasm Vo and Rao
Superman: Emperor Joker
Superman (Volume Two) #160 (Part 1)
The Adventures of Superman #582 (Part 2)
Superman: The Man of Steel #104 (Part 3)
Action Comics #769 (Part 4)
Emperor Joker #1 (Part 5)
Joker is the one who set everything back to normal. "To hell with this stupid braincast! No one is following the script! I want everyone back the way they were before."
Unknown | Superman flies through Emperor Joker's body and out his head and gets knocked into space by him.
Emperor Joker throughout the story was completely toying and messing around with Superman. He never seriously tried to kill him without simply reviving him to continue torturing him
In this story, Superman was shown to be killed by Joker destroying the universe. He was then revived as a dog by Joker
Superman did not even physically beat Emperor Joker; he outsmarted Joker which led to his defeat.
If he was physically 5D imp level, that would be inconsistent with the constant plot point that Superman is physically infinitesimally flat in comparison to the likes of Mr. Mxy.
Superman didn't regrow a heart on his own. After Joker tore out Superman's heart, Superman clung to the small sun to last a little longer. After figuring out the new rules of Joker's reality, he tricks Joker into not forgetting about Batman. From there, Joker couldn't maintain control of his reality warping, and his changes were disappearing.
Supposedly absorbed free-floating spatial dimensions
Written more like a natural consequence than an actual ability Superman has.
Action Comics Vol 1 #771, November 2000
JLA Vol 1 #47, November 2000
JLA Vol 1 #48, December 2000
JLA Vol 1 #49, January 2001
JLA Secret Files and Origins Vol 1 #1, September 1997
About 16.6666666667c or 5*10^9 m/s.
At least Continental; CasualSplit a small dead moon off Saturn
Mind Manipulation Resistance | Superman resists the manipulations of an avatar of Death.
Superman starts to fear him or those around him dying and being alone.
An Avatar of Death has come for Superman, bringing him into a meta-physical dream. He shows Lois dying in 2050.
This is Kal-El's death. Each person has a personal shadows made in their image, reflected by their soul, that walks with them from the cradle to the grave. According to him, while others live and die, Superman will live past universes. He wants Superman to die.
Superman is brought to a place of non-time and space, a place between sleep, waking, eternity, and oblivion. He is brought forward many centuries to the death of Earth and the Sun. The Earth and he are engulfed by the dying sun. His limbs grow wear, eyes blind, lungs collapse, and cells explode.
While Superman begins to comprehend the futility of death, his death isn't ready to take him yet. In order for Superman to fully understand the scope of death, he must witness it on a more convincing scale. So, Death grants him protection, strength, and life for a fleeting moment.
Superman allegedly survives the Big Crunch of the universe and punches his Death
Superman allegedly pushed through the barriers of space and time, and then defeated the embodiment of his own Death, who caused the universe to compress on Superman, only for him to overcome it.
The description of the universe’s death was nothing like the big crunch, but more similar to a Heat Death, which would merely give Superman resistance to entropy, which is consistent to Our Worlds at War.
Superman is faced with the reality of his own (and ultimately everything's) death. As this reality fills his waking consciousness and ultimately is embodied in death itself, Superman is incapacitated by his fear until Death literally shows him his own death at the end of the universe. However, in doing so, Superman also sees his afterlife. An afterlife in which he is joined and comforted by his one true love, Lois Lane. Lois Lane reveals to Superman that his "belief" in her love, their love, transcends death. And that through that belief he is set "free" from death. Thus the title "Where Is Thy Sting", a reference to the passage in the Bible in 1 Corinthians 15:55 where Paul expounds on the Resurrection of Jesus Christ:
"O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?"It is debatable if what Superman's mind/soul can do in the meta-physical world directly scales to the physical world.
Superman: The Man of Steel Vol 1 #110, March 2001
Our Worlds at War (August 2001-October 2001)
Scaled | Superman blitzes another Imperiex Probe and breaks through the armor. Withstands Imperiex Probe detonation.
Imperiex Probes aren't universal. They need a machine just to destroy Galaxies.
Scaled | Superman fought Imperiex probes for several days, Doomsday tears through Imperiex Probes.
Imperiex Prime's easily vaporizes Doomsday.
Existence Erasure Resistance | Superman resists Darkseid's Omega Beams.
TBA | Direct | Amped | Strange Visitor (Kismet) amps Superman to breach Imperiex Prime's Armor along with Darkseid's Omega Beams and 30 Hydrogen bombs.
At least 5-B, Class Y, possibly higher | Direct | Sundipped Superman pushes against Warworldwhich was made from Pluto and powered by Imperiex who was being powered by the Big Bang.
Not Immeasurable Speed | Superman did not fly back in time to the Big Bang when fighting Brainiac 13. He used a Boom Tube.
Doomsday Rex
Intangibility | Phases through Doomsday's attacks
Superman fights the Entropy Aegis Armor
Hit into outer space
Not Immeasurable Speed | Superman kept pace with Jay Garrick and Wally West while they were chasing the Reverse-Flash to the past. Superman did not move in negative seconds. They pooled their kinetic energy to travel back to the present. They were not each immeasurable speed on their own at the time.
Superman Vol 2 #181, June 2002
Unknown, not infinite | Lifts the Spectre briefly with WW, who weighs as much as eternity
Green Lantern later made a construct that supports the Spectre; If we are to assume that Spectre did in fact have infinite weight and Green Lantern's constructs could support said infinite weight, that would imply that Green Lantern constructs have "infinite" defense and not break under the force. However, as we see Green Lantern's constructs break numerous times throughout his run, this is not the case. Green Lantern's constructs have been shown to be broken by finite forces less than that of the Spectre. This, in turn, shows that Spectre does not have infinite weight. In turn, the present Superman does not have infinite strength.
Not a Limit
At least 5-B, Class Z | Moves the earth in tandem with the league
A synthesized black hole no bigger than a speck of dust was made and namedMnemom
Mnemon itself began as a synthetic life-form created by an unknown being that believed the purest music was that of memories, thus Mnemon was designed specifically to collect memories.
However, Mnemon soon developed the typical qualities of a supervillain, such as power-lust - to the point it went insane and stole the memories of its creator and his entire world before destroying the said world.
The crazed Mnemon then became a cosmic threat, traveling from world to world stealing the memories of entire civilizations before destroying their worlds and wiping out their species.
According to the Atom, if the black hole escaped the magnetic field, it would be "good-bye solar system"
According to Superman, the gravitational force feels like it's going to rip his hands off.
Mnemon is still alive at the end.
Superman was not harmed by the swarm of Micro Tesseract Swarm.
His various body parts were just folded and refracted over space-time. He wasn't harmed or damaged by it and as soon as the swarm passed his body was unfolded and fixed.
Pending discussion on the use and power of 4-D spacial energy.
It's not a regen feat just an example of weird physics.
Superman takes a blast from the Entropy Aegis Armor
Hit to the Moon
On Apokolips, Superman defeated Darkseid.
Superman reflects Omega Beams with his heat vision.
At least Low 4-C | Direct | Survives being within a possible double-blackhole and escapes.
I do not know enough about Ben Conrad's abilities to give a proper judgement. Seems to just be a form of reality warping to bring the characters to life and etc.
Superman resisted the Hollow Men ridding him of reason.
JLA: Welcome to the Working Week August 2003
Can see teleportation vibrations
Adventures of Superman Vol 1 #617, August 2003
Superman: Red Son Vol 1 #3, August 2003
Red Son Superman Breaks a lantern construct that was an infinite number of boxes in a box which required every lantern in the US corps
9-B, Possibly Low 4-C | Direct | Superman rapidly contracts White Dwarf with Heat Vision and Super Breath. This feat is kind of weird as the White Dwarf was stated to be 100 tons and was way too small in diameter to be one, so it could be discredited.
At least 5-A, possibly higher | Direct | Sundipped Superman freezes Cannibal Planet which feeds off of stars and destroys Solar Systems.
Warms a planet with heat vision.
Superman/Batman #1 and Superman/Batman Vol 1 #2 November 2003
A Kryptonite Bullet is slowing down his cellular regeneration.
Bruce is worried that he's not fast enough to remove the entire bullet before the wound closes.
Alfred is able to remove the entire Kryptonite bullet and places a bandage while it starts to heal.
Mid-Low | Heals from Kryptonite in his shoulder once it's removed.
At least 5-B | Superman is knocked out by the magic Claw of Horus, which is the equivalent of being punched with a planet.
At least Low 4-C | Direct | In a temple, Superman endures the equivalent to the pressure of the core of a star.
Superman Vol 2 #207 September 2004
Unknown | Superman wasn't fast enough to travel to another country and stop a shooting
Superman/Batman #10
The Amazons, Superman, and Batman fight off Doomsday Animates, not clones.
Apokolips is described as a planet in another universe only accessible by Boom Tube.
Batman fights Darkseid.
Superman and Supergirl withstand the Apokolips fire pits.
TBA | Scaled | On Earth, Superman blitzes Darkseid to the sun and defeats him.
Nothing suggests Superman opened a boom tube on his own.
Action Comics Vol 1 #818 October 2004 and Action Comics Vol 1 #819 November 2004
High-Low | Superman, suffering from his powers being disrupted by liquid kryptonite, is shot repeatedly in the chest, stabbed through the shoulder, shot in the eye and his lung punctured. As the Kryptonite works out of his body over the course of 3 days, he would heal up when his powers were active, and the wounds would reopen when his powers left.
An alternate timeline Superman pummels and strangles an alternate timeline Wonder Woman.
Unknown | Scaled | Superman tanks an energy attack from Neh-buh-loh/Nebula Man.
Is he a microverse? Are there any scaling or feats of Nebula Man to support a universal rating?
All Superman did was punch him once with no visible damage, and take a head laser. Then Nebula Man just left.
It is stated that the Void Hound destroyed 10 star systems in one test run, but this is not done in one attack. The regular point defense system blasts aren't capable of destroying stars, let alone planets.
Tesseract Bombs turn space momentarily inside-out, ravaging mountain ranges and coastlines.
4-C | The Void Hound is shown to rend a sun to shreds by unknown means
The Void Hound contains Supernova-plus levels of power, but this is not shown in its energy output.
Going by the context of how solar systems are "killed," and it is shown to be over time with various different weapons that raze and destroy planets one by one and then some unknown means to destroying the star. The ship was using its point defense weapons solely on the JLA it seems (And it's more hax based weapons) and not its unknown means to busting the star. Regardless, "killing star systems" seems more so to refer to leaving it desolate and then destroying the star system going by how it has shown to have destroyed it.
At least Mid-Low, possibly High-Low | Superman has two healing feats here. Healing from Cosmic King turning the iron in his blood to Kryptonite, then immediately healing a kryptonite sword through the chest as soon as it's removed.
League Elite Vol 1 #12 August, 2005 Justice League Elite Vol 1 #12, August 2005
Superman and Wonder Woman have a prolonged fight.
Punches Wonder Woman from the sun to the earth (possible sun-amp)
FTL+ | Blitzes Wonder Woman from earth to the sun in 1 minute and 48 seconds
About 33.26745911667c or 9.97*10^9 m/s
Superman was able to regenerate when Wonder Woman slit his throat with her tiara
We don't see how long it takes to heal, but there isn't a permanent scar in later issues. I'm not sure if that counts since even Batman loses his facial scars.
Action Comics Vol 1 #831 November 2005
At least Continental | Punch would split a moon
Mid-Low | Superman gets shot through the hand with a bullet fired by creation of Joker with Myx's powers. It heals in a few pages.
Doctor Psycho doesn't use his telepathy on Superman out of courtesy.
Mid-Low | Heals a slash to the chest and a slit throat while exposed to kryptonite
Knows pressure points
Infinite Crisis
Golden Age Kal-L breaks the dimensional barrier.
Clark defeats Mongul II andstops WW from landing a killing blow
Mongul II can BFR WW after being slashed by her
Unknown | Superman removes Darkseid from the Source Wall
4-B | Scaled | Black Kryptonite Supergirl damages Luthor's Warsuit
Low 2-C | Superboy affects the timeline with his punches while low on sunlight.
With Luthor's Anti-matter powers, he breaks through the dimensional barrier.
Teen Titans Vol 3 #32 March 2006
Low 2-C | Prime is taken into the Phantom Zone, were he then punches his way out, then proceeds to RET-CON Beast Boy's history - A feat deemed impossible until Prime arrived
Scaled | Clark's conflict with Kal-L shatters the boundaries of local space-time. Just by the description of the feat itself, it is too vague to give a physical value. Superman of New Earth fights with the Superman of Earth-Two in the skies of Metropolis above the Daily Star on Earth-Two. With each crushing blow, each man lives the life of the other. Punch allegedly break the world. If anything, this feat reflects his limited space-time manipulation.
"The DCU shakes apart as Superman of Earth 2 finally confronts our Superman. Meanwhile, heroes are disappearing throughout the DC Universe, a transformed villain returns, and the mystics of every world and dimension seek help from the very Spirit that is destroying them."
Post-Crisis Superman only defeats Superboy after they crashed through a red sun. Superboy outright murders Kal-L.
Following being exposed to krytonit and the red sun Rao, Superman has lost his powers for about a year so far.
"Something must have happened, changed me in some fundamental way."
"All that high-intensity solar bombardment, and all I got was a tan."
Supergirl and the Legion of Super-Heroes Vol 1 #16, May 2006
A Dominator weapon blew up a moon by traveling at 98% the Speed of Light
On it's way to Earth, it decelerated rapidly, and the Legion further slowed it down.
According to Supergirl, had the Legion not slowed down the object, she could never have stopped it from hitting the planet.
Unknown | Supergirl, along with Power Girl, Linda Danvers, Cir-El, and Earth-One Supergirl, free Superman from the Source Wall.
Green Lantern Vol 4 #11 June 2006;
MFTL+ | Comparable to Hal Jordanwho flew half the universe in 10 hours. |
Superman: Man of Steel Vol 1 #115 August 2001 | The universe is at least 100 Light years in diameter
1.3139903434*10^25 m/s or 4.3799678114*10^16c
Low 2-C | Superboy plans on destroying the Universe at Oa
At least 4-B | Scaled | One-shots numerous lanterns with super-breath and heat vision
Kal-El and Kal-L Fight Doomsday and Bizaaro
Doomsday's bone snaps on Kal-L
Kal-L tanks an attack that hurts Power Girl
MFTL+ | Superman Flies to Rao.
At least 7.883942*10^19 m/s or 262979997982.47091675c
Superboy-Prime then decides to fly through Oa and destroy. Kal-L tries one last time to reason with Prime, but he refuses and takes off with both Supermen, Power Girl, Martian Manhunter, and Green Lanterns Hal Jordan and John Stewart in pursuit. With Superboy-Prime flying faster than even Kal-El or Kal-L can match, Hal Jordan sends a warning to the rest of the Green Lantern Corps. As Superboy-Prime races toward Oa, he is slowed down by a 300-mile thick wall of pure green energy generated by the power rings of the Green Lantern Corps, who engage him in battle with Guy Gardner taking the lead. Superboy-Prime kills a handful of Green Lanterns and is almost ready to kill Guy when Hal Jordan intervenes. As Superboy-Prime is distracted, both Supermen grab him and fly him through the remains of Krypton and then through the red sun of Krypton, which causes all three heroes to lose their powers and for Superboy-Prime to lose his energy-storing armor. They crash-land on the Green Lantern planet Mogo.
Following Infinite Crisis, Superman's "kryptonian cellular make-up hasn't changed."
His cells are actively resisting absorbing any solar power.
Solar shock did not help jumpstart his powers.
Clark's powers begin to return.
Clark theorizes that he mentally supressed himself to not have powers.
His powers are partly back at the moment.
Superman's active need and desire for his powers brings them back.
Eldirao stripped Superman of his powers during Infinite Crisis.
After, all Clark wanted was Lois and to be home.
The shock of his powers returning boosted Clark's brain functions.
Can hear every heartbeat, everyone's blood show, the radio signals, the wifi zones, and every footstep on asphalt.The cellphone signals, the clothes rustling in the wind, and the pressure on his skin to the tiniest fraction of an ounce.
Superman's brain is now faster and more precise.
Superman states that he intensified his heat vision more than ever before and more than he thought he could.
Thinks faster than lightspeed - nanosecond+
Superman punches through kryptonite enhanced sunstone.
Clark's returning powers were disrupting electronics.
Superman Vol 1 #654 September 2006
Can see these people with outfits that refract light and block out sound to make them virtually invisible and unhearable
Action Comics Vol 1 #844 December, 2006
Action Comics Vol 1 #845 January, 2007
The Flash: The Fastest Man Alive Vol 1 #6 January 2007
Superman winking to the reader isn't enough to justify the ability to break the fourth wall.
Action Comics Vol 1 #846 February, 2007
Pending Review | Superman fought the Red King, who can reshape the universe and destroy possibilities containing universes one by one, as well as having created the universe with his dreams.
Superman flies to another system.
4-B | Direct | Survives an EM Shockwave from a red sun eater's detonation that was 50 times the size of the Kepler Supernova
The description used in the Sun Eater explosion is almost certainly referring to the difference between a supernova's initial neutrino burst (which carries 99% of the supernova's energy), and the radiation, which escapes after.
Notable that he was currently being weakened by Red Sun Radiation, which would explain why he almost died from the radiation from the Entropy bomb.This Sun Eater's size.
Countdown Vol 1 #49,
Assuming it took 10 min, the average speed is about 1316616.66667c or 3.94985*10^14 m/s.
At least Multi-Continental level | Teenage Kryptonians can allegedly crack the planet in half
Scaled | Superman knocks out Blackstar who wields the energies of the cosmos.
Action Comics Vol 1 #851 August, 2007
This comic is a dream
Action Comics Vol 1 #854 October 2007
260.263736c or 7.8*10^10 m/s.
Scaled | On Earth, Superman and Darkseid's fight "rocked" the solar system. Possibly figure of speech.
After absorbing an Oan Guardian's energy, Superboy-Prime captures and flies to the 5th dimension. With an alternate Zatanna, he captures Mr. Myx and removes his magic.
Superman Confidential Vol 1 #7 December 2007
In this comic, Superman hadn't met Highfather or Darkseid yet.
According to Serifan, Superman survived a full-on sigma blast.
On Earth, Darkseid easily backhands Superman.
Unknown |Removes Highfather's staff from the Source Wall - cited for "unimaginable strength".
Superman/Batman Vol 1 #42
Does not scale |Superman flew out of the Source after Highfather said that it would be impossible to do.
It is only with the help of High Father's Staff that Superman was able to leave the Source.
Death of the New Gods (December 2007 - June 2008)
That characters are equalized with the size of Fourth World when going through a Boom Tube and that to their perspective they are performing tier 5 to 4 feats
Grant Morrison has some interviews where he discredits Death of the New Gods' canonicity, calling them apocryphal. It is likely referred to as an alternate Superman.
He was writing Final Crisis and they forced Death of the New Gods to be produced to tie in with Final Crisis against his best wishes and they contradict all of his works, when asked about why Superman didn't remember the events in DotN, Grant said because the entire ending parts of it were just apocryphal accounts. Plus there is a whole slew of inconsistencies in DotNG with Final Crisis. Lastly, IDK if this is true, but I was told Starlin portrays Fourth World as just weird alien planets that are Earth+ sized, not the size of large stars like the calc assumes.
lemme find itSuperman plain doesn't remember the events in that story. Should immediately show how non-canon it is.
Metron died on-panel in DotNG. He is alive in the Final Crisis.
On New Genesis, Superman and Orion exchanged punches and were described by Mr, Miracle to be evenly matched.
Superman one-shot's Arion - also takes his rings of power quickly.
Superman and Doomsday's deathblows shook the planet to its core.
Resisted Amalak trying to read his memories.
This is just a subcategory of Mind Manipulation. No memories are altered.
Superman only taps into Amalak's mind memories because of the device on their heads.
At least Low 2-C | Superboy punched through an injured and weakened Anti-Monitor
Superboy easily kills other lanterns
Low 2-C | Superboy survives an exploding Guardian.
Adult Superboy-Prime survives an exploding Monarch which destroys Universe 51. |
Universe 51 is confirmed destroyed.
Mid-Low | Superman's shoulder is cut by an "infinitely thing and infinitely sharp" 2D blade and he heals by the time we see him next
At least Class GStops an impact equivalent of 5000 megatons
Death of the New Gods Vol 1 #5 March 2008
On New Genesis, Superman survives an Astro Force explosion that covers a part of Supertown. Considering how big Supertown is compared to New Genesis, this is a really big explosion.
On Apokolips, Mantis and Kalibak are completely no matches for Superman
Herakles/Hercules makes New Earth Superman bleed, whereas Kingdom Come Superman is unfazed.
The Brave and the Bold Vol 3 #11, May 2008
Death of the New Gods Vol 1 #7 May 2008 | Casual
Superman was Boomtube Amped
Superman was shielded by a light prison made by Infinity Man which he was unable to escape from. The barrier shattered and took most of the brunt of the explosion when the Source Wall exploded
Superman, even when shielded, was knocked out cold for a good several minutes to an hourSuperman is affected by a pan-dimensional breach.
TBA | Superman fights a Galactic Golem.and smashes through several of its planetoids.
The Golem housed a dimension inside it inaccessible via normal means. We do not know the size of said dimension, we only know it is cited as vast, enormous and empty
Scaled | Boomtube amped Superman survives the blast from Soulfire Darkseid and "The Source" fighting. Superman punches through a distracted Soulfire Darkseid
Superman said several times he was absolutely insignificant in the face of Soulfire Darkseid, even comparing himself to Darkseid as Green Arrow would be to Superman himself.
The only reason Superman decided to fight Soulfire Darkseid was that he doesn't want to be completely useless here and at least do something to slow down Darkseid
Darkseid was off guard when hit by Superman and was only shocked by Superman being there and Superman's audacity to even attempt such a suicidal attack
Darkseid explicitly stated that he was not trying to kill Superman, and was just torturing him with his energy blasts. Superman took nowhere near the full force of Darkseid’s power.
Direct | Was right in the center of and survived the collision and fusion of Apokolips and New Genesis
Boomtube amp.
Trinity Vol 1 #5 July 2008
5-B | Direct | His punches are capable of shattering small planets | Casual
TBA | Direct | Superman pushed a growing solar system -
"The dwarf planets are growing, getting larger with each orbit. It's as if the whole system warped in at microscopic size ans is adjusting, compensating. Its sun is growing too, bit there hasn't been time for its gravity to really start tearing Metropolis apart. Not yet. It wont have the chance! The photosphere and convection zone aren't solid enough for me to get a grip on them, but the radiation zone, a giant mass of gravitationally condensed plasma, should be almost solid enough to."
"By rights, the radiation from this sun should be empowering me, supercharging me, but something's wrong, like it's not from this universe!"
"But I keep up the pressure, never so much that I break through the radiation zone, and slowly, slowly it begins to move, and its planets with it. In time, it builds speed, builds momentum until.
"There. It's high enough above the ecliptic, and drifting farther away with every passing moment. It can grow to full size safely here."
The mass is unclear, but we do know that it not actually compressed. The solar system later adjusted to the new universe it was in.
The calculation above assumes that it's mass was constant throughout the growing process.
However, the context of the feat doesn't seem to suggest so. If the mass was constant since it warped on Earth, the gravity would have started tearing up metropolis since gravity waves travel at the speed of light. As it would grow in size, the gravity would decrease, following the gravity formula.
I believe that the shrinking and growth may be similar to the Atom where its mass changes with size.
Final Crisis (July 2008 - March 2009)
Action Comics Annual Vol 1 #11 July, 2008
Action Comics Vol 1 #867, September 2008
At least 4-C | Direct | A younger Superman survives an exploding Star (not a supernova) from an orbiting planet.
Action Comics Vol 1 #868, October 2008
Final Crisis: Superman Beyond Vol 1 #1 October 2008, Final Crisis: Superman Beyond Vol 1 #2 March 2009
Unknown, At Most 3-A | Size amped in Limbo, Superman and Captain Marvel attempts and fails to lift a book with an infinite number of pages.
Unknown, At Most 3-A | Scaled | Size amped in Limbo, Ultraman Lifts the Book of "Infinite" Pages.
The only thing this feat shows is that Ultraman is stronger than Superman and Captain Marvel combined.
Ultraman contradicts the allegedly infinite book
"Where I come from, the only god we know is Mammon, lord of greed, property, and ownership. We value material wealth above everything else. Did I truly believe in radical evil, universal evil as a living thing? ...Not until I read to the end of the infinite book. I saw the final chapter! And I found something greater than myself!"
Superman fighting in Limbo, Nil, and stopping the missiles between heartbeats.
Before Superman left Lois in the 1st issue, all time has stopped.
"I invented this chrono paralyzer to freeze time here in universe designation 0. As it thaws, her heart will beat once only without your aid then stop. Fortunately, time is different beyond the walls of this world. I can ensure your return long before then."
It is only because of that, Superman and the others saved Lois's life between her heartbeats relative to the time stop.
Action Comics Vol 1 #870, December 2008
Justice League of America Vol 2 #27 January 2009
MFTL+ | Scaled | Wonder Woman says she better reflexes than Superman
Possibly Supergenius | Direct | Superman memorizes the plans for the Miracle Machine.
Back on Earth-22, Kingdom Come Superman grows to an old man after 1000 years.
Superman and Icon trade hard blows to fake a fight.
Unknown | Godhead Darkseid loses his body to a Radion bullet and his Soul to the Black Racer. Once all of humanity is preserved, the last remnant of Darkseid's mind appears to try and claim the Miracle Machine, but Superman is aware that Darkseid's essence vibrates like the multiverse does, and shatters his vibrational frequency with a single note.
At least FTL | Scaled | Superman reacts to Barry Allen and Wally West while they're running through time.
They ran at Superluminal velocity
At least 3-B | Direct | Superman, size amped for the higher dimension of Limbo, destroys one of three reality blitzing missiles. |
ADestroyer is a ship created by the Monitors meant to sterilize universes and has "reality blitzing" missiles.
We can tell that it is not a universe level feat since the ship is meant to destroy all life, not the universe itself and that he only destroyed 1 missile.
With the laws of physics in play and without the speed force, traveling at light speed would create a singularity and rip open the universe.
Justice League of America Vol 2 #30 April 2009
5-C | Direct | Superman Infinite Mass Punches the Shadow Moon
The amount of energy Superman exerted isabout 3×10^19 Tonnes of TNT
Justice League of America Vol 2 #29 March 2009
At least 5-B, Class Y | Direct | Pulls the Earth against Starbreaker
Supposedly, Superman watches the Justice League from the regular universe while they're in a pocket reality in Hyperspace.
It's unclear to me when Superman saw them. Was it before or after they entered the area?
Superman fights Superboy-Prime who is in his sun armor.
Possibly Low 2-C | Scaled | Superman punches 30th Century Pre-Zero Hour Mordru.
After killing Glorith, Dragonmage, White Witch, and Prince Evillo,Mordru owns "all magics left within the universe."
Mordru gained "the magic of all of Universe-247."
Wildfire uses his energies to fuel the chrysalis and resurrects Conner Kent, a.k.a Superboy, who then confronts Superboy-Prime.
Mordru received the power of Kinetix
Superman punches away Superboy-Prime
At least Low 2-C | Scaled | Superman, the original Lightning Lad, Saturn Girl and Cosmic Boy survive a blast from Time Trapper Superboy.
Low 4-C | Scaled | Superman breaks through Brainiac's Ship's Shielding. |
It is the same as shields that later inR.E.B.E.L.S. Vol 2 #20 November 2010
can tank the force of a construct made from a neutron star
4-C | Scaled | Superman is comparable to Lobo who can swing Pulsar Stargrave, who was created from the LGM-1 Pulsar and possesses stellar mass.
Superman gets impaled by Brainiacs Ship
No mention of organ damage, but he loses a lot of blood and needs a transfusion to survive.
With contained, concentrated, synthesized yellow sun, Brainiac 5 rejuvenates Superman.
MFTL+ | Superman tags Professor Zoom.
Reign of Doomsday (March 2011 - October 2011)
Doomsday beats the shit out of Superboy. |Superboy Vol 5 #6 June 2011
Superboy is defeated by the Teen Titans and is trapped in the Source Wall.
Brainiac brings New Earth Superman into Convergence.
Convergence #8
Superman fights in the COIE to save the infinite Multiverse.
Convergence: Action Comics Vol 1 #2, July 2015
Scaled | His punch makes Red Son Wonder Woman bleed.
Superman: Lois and Clark Vol 1 #1 December 2015
Since New Earth is no more, Brainiac offers to send Superman to any universe they wanted, and they were sent to Prime Earth.
Reality Warping Resistance | Resisted Mister Mxyzptlk's realm without physics, gravity, reality as well as fractured space-time. Mxyzptlk also attempted to erase Superman from all of reality and memory
From Metropolis, Superman stops Royce, Livewire's brother, from shooting Lois after the gun has been shot.
Unknown Comic
Scaled | Superman tanks attacks from Firestorm.
Takes hits from Strange Visitor
Survives an Entropy Blast from Imperiex
This clearly was Imperiex simply killing a fly with a swatter, he had no reason to put his full power into the attack
This same attack vaporized Doomsday into a skeleton unless you believe Superman is vastly superior to Doomsday, he would have been killed too. In fact, Darkseid had to come in and save him before he was also killed.
TBAThrows a bomb into space Whether or not he threw it or just moved into space is unclear. If he did move into space, this is also a durability feat, since he took something that could slice the planet in half.
TBAPunches through monsters that adapt to any threat The monsters have previously adapted their durability to resist Flash throwing rocks at near light speed to them
At least Class Z;Moving the moon and burning the white Martians with the league
At least Multi-continental; Unknown;Fight rocks heavens and the earth
Unknown; Unknown;Breaks out of being frozen in time
Unknown; Unknown;Breaks through time and space and punches Death in the jaw
Wonder Woman Breaks Chronus' Scepter, which was powerful enough to hold the Godwave, the energy wave which would destroy the universe
Desaad's theory on his flight Desaad is a brilliant New God scientist
Goes from Orbit to 2 thousand miles underground in a short amount of time
Breaches Darkseid's singularity The Flash's needed to go faster than light to enter.
Goes to Andromeda to help people and doesn't take 1000's of years
Same thing saving Jimmy since... Saving Jimmy happens at least once a month
Nanosecond baby save - it was an anti-matter baby or something
Keeps up with the GL Time Dilation in a fraction of a nanosecond. Important to note that the ring was trying to choose a new suitor and was giving Hal time to decide. Deadman wasn't affected because he's a ghost. Superman can just naturally react that fast.
New 52 Superman Family
4-B | Superman survives a black hole
Superman Vol 3 #13 December 2012
Class Y | Bench-pressed the mass of the earth for 5 days continuously while cut off from yellow sunlight and shedding only a single drop of sweat in the process
Can analyze information billions of times faster than a supercomputer
Red Hood and the Outlaws Vol 1 #14 January 2013
Superman Vol 3 #20 | July 2013
Superman evenly fought against Orion's Post-Flashpoint Emanation
TBA | Superman psychic energy from the belief and hope of others shatters The Phantom Stranger's physical and metaphysical form.
Action Comics Vol 2 #35 December 2014
Doomsday destroys the Phantom Zone
4-B | Superman rips Doomsday apart.
2-C | Futures End Superman knocks down God Brainiac
Rebirth Superman Family
DC Rebirth #1 July 2016
Rebirth Superman's first appearance
Justice League Vol 3 #14 | April 2017
Survives an energy blast that punched a 12-mile hole through Canada, that also had the energies of red suns
Dark Nights: Metal Vol 1 #3 | December 2017
With the help of the Multiversal Tuning Fork, Steel, the Flash, and the Phantom Zone Projector, Superman infiltrated the Dark Multiverse in search of Batman, only for his entrance to be part of a trap by the denizens, who hooked him up to the same machine that Batman was in order to use him as a battery to drive the Multiverse into the dark, letting loose Superman's own nightmarish versions in the process.
It is noted that the boundary is permeable. It is not like he had to forcefully tear through it to go through.
It was explicitly a trap made for Superman. He didn’t forcefully tear through it, he was let in.
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps Vol 1 #30 December 2017
Superman knocks down Hal Jordan |
Action Comics Vol 1 #992 January 2018
Using his super-speed, Superman powers the Cosmic Treadmill and runs back in time.
Superman fights Bizarro
Unknown | Superman is teleported into the lair of Vandal Savage, who hooks him up to a device that can "weaponize Hypertime". Vandal explains that the device will trap Superman in an endless time loop, where he will never be able to stop Vandal from taking over the world.
Unknown | Superman is used as a conduit for the Totality. |
Justice League Vol 4 #9 December 2018
At least MFTL | Superman rebuilt the moon piece by piece.
Possibly Low 2-C | Superman states he could make the entire Phantom Zone cease to exist if he really put his head to it. |
Superman Vol 5 #6 February 2019
At least High 4-C, likely 4-B | Superman and Rogol Zaar's fight shook a portion of the Phantom Zone
At least 5-C, possibly 5-A | A weakened Superman can shatter a planet/moon
2-C | After many sun-dips, Superman shatters local Space-Time, destroying World Forger's incomplete multiverse. A complete positive multiverse at this time is about 52 universes. The negative multiverse has practically infinite failed universes.
4-B | Superman breaks chains made out of Kerenthium Steel. This material is strong enough to haul Stars between Galaxies and has to be placed under the pressure of an inverted black hole just to be forged.
Superman shouldering the burden of Atlas by lifting the heavens is not a proper lifting feat, since it was intended to be metaphorical and powered by hope, confirmed by the writer of the story.
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